
Decades of experience in the development of plastic fittings, housings and other components


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About us: Introduction

Are you looking for a partner who can support you with the development of your plastic products due to practical experience? At HSV TMP we have decades of experience in the development of plastic components and a wealth of knowledge when it comes to the materials and techniques required.


Company profile

An increasing number of designers and purchasers are opting for plastic

HSV TMP is one of Europe’s leading companies when it comes to manufacturing large plastic products. At our factories in Ede and Leeuwarden we develop and produce innovative housings, fittings and other components for customers in a diverse range of sectors.

Company profile
HSV TMP Maatschappelijk verantwoord ondernemen


Our history and organisational structure

The history of HSV Technical Moulded Parts (HSV TMP) can be traced back to the foundation of our sister company, HSV Moulded Foams. This company – like HSV TMP now a separate division of the HSV Group – started manufacturing EPS packaging at a production location in Ede in 1968.


Core Values

How we do business

We are convinced that our customers not only work with us because of the products we supply, but also because of the way we do business. We have broken down this approach into 4 core values.

Core Values

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