HSV introduces Project+, Let’s make it FIT
Project+ makes HSV the first manufacturer in Europe to successfully integrate large injection-moulded parts and EPS/EPP foam components.
Project+, engineering added value
Project+, Let’s make it FIT by HSV essentially means engineering added value.
HSV has years of experience in injection-moulded plastics and particle foam technologies, focused on developing, producing and assembling shaped composite plastic components on a large scale.
We believe in sharing knowledge and finding answers that contribute to an optimal composite product for our customers. The Project+ approach gives you access to this expertise and our facilities. As a result, you can achieve savings during the design phase, or when redesigning a product.

Advantages of Project+, product design and redesign
As stated, Project+ helps you to optimise your product design and achieve savings. This approach also has proven added value for redesigning from metal to plastic.

Project+: how a composite product is structured
The key to success: the most efficient solution for your product is identified in partnership. A number of advantages of Project+:
- Ability to be shaped into any form at all
- Lower weight
- All plastic components fit in perfect alignment
- The minimum in components
- More effective and efficient logistics
- Sustainable product realisation
And that leads to:
- Optimised TCO
- Shorter time to market
- Lower costs
- Lower purchasing risks

Discover the benefits of free-form shaped components and achieve lightweight, thermal and structural innovations with Project+ at HSV. Thanks to the in-line assembly, separate components are limited to a minimum and you have a single point of contact. Besides the benefits of optimising TCO, this also shortens time to market for your product. In short: Project+ brings your plastic product concepts to life!
More about Project+
Scan the QR code and discover Project+ or call +31 318 248 748 to talk to one of our engineers about your specific question.