
Plastic Injection Moulding of large products

Plastic injection moulding of large products

Would you like to develop large plastic products or shaped components and have them injection-moulded? HSV TMP is a specialist in plastic injection moulding of large plastic products and your partner in developing and manufacturing large plastic products, housings, shaped components and other plastic parts.

Plastic Injection moulding of large products

Relying on our experience in hands-on production, our engineers can help you in your process and in product development. HSV TMP is a specialist in injection moulding of large plastic products.

Our clients already experience the benefits of our expertise at the beginning of the process. Our knowledge, the required materials and the sophisticated techniques, including high pressure injection moulding, structural foam moulding, Sequential injection moulding and Project+ technique are used to optimal effect by our design team, who will join forces with you to create the most ideal solution for your plastic product. Contact us and request a QuickScan.

Sustainable injection moulding

If you choose HSV, you automatically opt for sustainable injection moulding of your plastic products, shaped components, housings and other plastic parts. HSV-TMP finds the most optimal solution for you, both in terms of minimising material use and optimising matrix investments, assembly  and logistical solutions that will save you time and money. In addition, we use sustainable energy, generated from solar collectors, for the production and assembly of your product, and incorporate recycled materials wherever possible. More about CSR at HSV-TMP.

Passion for injection moulding

We have decades of experience and the production and logistics facilities you need to make your products. Combining our passion for injection moulded plastics with an in-company engineering department and smart technical solutions, we are delighted to use our extensive knowledge and experience to help you realise your product concepts, which we manufacture at our production locations in Ede and in Leeuwarden.

How does the plastic injection moulding process work?

Following the development process, the construction of the mould and approval of the FOT (first out of tool), production of your plastic product can begin. But how does the plastic injection moulding process work? You can read more information about the four main phases below.

First phase: Plasticising

Injection moulding cycle figure 1: Phase 1 & 2 Plasticizing & dosing

HSV-TMP uses a gravimetric dosing system. A major benefit of this is that the plastic granulate, colour and any foaming agent can be mixed very precisely in the silo. This promotes constant quality in your product, shaped component or housing, because the material mix remains constant. Material enters the screw from the silo, where it is heated to become a homogeneous, liquid mass. By the time the mixture reaches the injection nozzles, it has reached the correct working temperature and is fully liquid.
The machine now closes the mould. All moving parts in the mould that shape the product in accordance with the required specifications shift into the correct positions. The injection nozzles are pressed against the mould.

Second phase: Dosing

Once the plasticising is complete, the dosing takes place. In this phase, the correct quantity of molten plastic is measured in the screw, so that the correct quantity can be injected into the mould via the injection nozzles.

Third phase: Injecting, filling the mould

Injection moulding cycle figure 2: Phase 3 Injection

During this phase, the dose is injected into the mould via the injection nozzles. The correct pressure and injection rate are set. These depend on the injection technology used, such as high-pressure injection moulding, thermoplastic injection moulding or cascade injection moulding, and factors such as technical specifications, material quantities, shape and size, etc. The injection moulding machine keeps the mould closed and the liquid plastic mixture fills the voids in the mould.

Fourth phase: Cooling and pressure holding process

Injection moulding cycle figure 3: Phase 4 Pressure & cooling

The cooling process begins as soon as the liquid plastic is injected into the mould. The shrinkage that arises due to the transition from liquid cohesion to the solid phase is compensated by pressure holding and by injecting small quantities of plastic into the mould. The holding time and pressure level depend on factors including the dimensions of the shaped component. Pressure holding also compensates for the difference in volume that arises during the transition from liquid to solid material.
The mould is fitted with piping, which is connected to a mould heating machine. This device continuously pumps liquid through the piping and supplies warm fluid during the start of the cycle and cooling during the cooling and pressure holding process.

Injection moulding cycle figure 4: Phase 4.1 Unloading & Release

Once the product has cooled sufficiently, the mould opens, the product is ejected and the injection nozzles are disconnected. The injection moulding machine prepares a new quantity of material and the injection moulding cycle can begin again.

What does plastic injection moulding cost?

Various factors are used to determine the costs of injection moulding your plastic product. In comparison to other plastic production technologies, the start-up costs are relatively high. However, a tool or mould has a very long service life and injection moulding is in fact much cheaper in relative terms for larger quantities. HSV can even give a shot guarantee of 1 million products. However, this depends on the type of plastic, the material used to build the mould, and the construction of the mould. To give you an example, we even have moulds in production that have lasted for more than 22 years and still meet the predefined quality requirements, dimensions and model.

HSV-TMP only works with mould technicians who can build durable and large-scale moulds and who use high-quality materials. Would you like more information or to request a quotation? Then use the button below: the design team is ready to help you.


What is plastic injection moulding?

Plastic injection moulding involves melting plastic granules and injecting them into a production mould under high pressure. The molten plastic takes on the shape of the mould. After the plastic cools, the product or shaped component can be removed from the mould.

What are the steps in the plastic injection moulding process?

Your product concepts turned to products. Following steps are involved: Concept development, feasibility study, quotation stage and engineering This approach allows you to improve the quality of your products – and can also help you achieve considerable savings.

What does plastic injection moulding cost?

Every injection-moulded plastic product is unique. A cost estimate is based on various factors, such as product specifications, dimensions of the mould, production numbers, type of plastic and the injection moulding technique.

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About us: Introduction

Are you looking for a partner who can support you with the development of your plastic products due to practical experience? At HSV TMP we have decades of experience in the development of plastic components and a wealth of knowledge when it comes to the materials and techniques required.


Company profile

An increasing number of designers and purchasers are opting for plastic

HSV TMP is one of Europe’s leading companies when it comes to manufacturing large plastic products. At our factories in Ede and Leeuwarden we develop and produce innovative housings, fittings and other components for customers in a diverse range of sectors.

Company profile
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Our history and organisational structure

The history of HSV Technical Moulded Parts (HSV TMP) can be traced back to the foundation of our sister company, HSV Moulded Foams. This company – like HSV TMP now a separate division of the HSV Group – started manufacturing EPS packaging at a production location in Ede in 1968.


Core Values

How we do business

We are convinced that our customers not only work with us because of the products we supply, but also because of the way we do business. We have broken down this approach into 4 core values.

Core values

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